What Is an Assisted Living Facility?

Assisted Living Facility

Typing assisted living facilities near me (assuming you wanted to type assisted living in Seattle) in google gives you more than 200 million results with some links claiming that there are more than 150+ assisted living facilities in King County. There are so many choices, so many questions, and it all seems so confusing when we are trying to make the best decisions we can for a loved one. What is best? Where can they get the help they need with dignity, compassion, and affordability?

One of the options is an assisted living facility. Different from nursing homes and adult family homes, an assisted living facility is just that – a place where seniors can get the help or assistance they need when living totally independently is no longer an option. But such facilities are designed to allow for as much independence as possible for as long as possible for residents while maintaining a safe, comfortable environment.

While most seniors want to live at home and on their own for as long as possible, sometimes, because of safety or other needs, assisted living, or AL, is the next best option. In such arrangements, seniors can get services they need with the least intervention possible.

Questions to ask when deciding to move to an Assisted Living facility?

  • Does your loved one need help with meals?
  • What about housekeeping or laundry?
  • Taking and monitoring medication?
  • Needs help with personal hygiene.
  • Transportation to stores or doctor appointments needed regularly.

These services and more are often included with assisted living arrangements. Remember that services can be different from one facility to another, but most assisted living facilities:

  • Offers some medical services including medication management or assistance
  • 24-hour emergency care
  • Social and recreational activities
  • Health and wellness programs
  • Housekeeping and maintenance
  • Dining services
  • Transportation

Assisted living facilities can come in many configuration, from individual apartments or rooms, to shared places. The level of services offered vary from place to place, but all are designed to be as close to home-like and as unrestricted as possible for residents. Some facts about assisted living facilities in US (Source: National Center For Assisted Living):

  • 28,900 assisted living communities in US.
  • 996K licensed beds in the United States.
  • Average number of licensed beds in an assisted living community is 33.
  • 3% have a dementia care unit, wing or floor designated
  • 7% only serve adults with dementia

If you and your family are considering an AL, remember that assisted living facilities can be very different depending upon what type of licensing they have.  If you are not confident you know the difference between a stand-by assist, or whether your loved one needs regular or sliding scale insulin administration, for example, asking for some help is a good first step. And that is where a Senior Care Advisor can be invaluable. Senior Care Advisors are trained to know the differences in types and levels of care, and which facilities offer that care near you. They also know what questions to ask, and how to think ahead for any possible care needs.

Helping families choose the best and most appropriate Assisted Living facility is what we do, and we do it well at no cost to you.

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