How to Select a Senior Living Advisor?

How to Select a Senior Living Advisor

As our loved ones get older, it gets to a point where they are not be able to handle their day-to-day tasks, and do things they always loved doing without the help of someone. You might not always be free or around to be of assistance to them. At this point you and your loved one might start considering Senior Living Facilities.

Once you start researching you find out that getting a reputable, comfortable and suitable Senior Living Facility is not as easy as it sounds. That is when you will need to enlist the services of a Senior Living Advisor not only to advise you but as well as guide through the whole process. However, how do you Find or select a good senior living advisor that would give you the desired result?

Searching for a Senior Living Advisor

Some tips to help you choose a Senior Living Advisor for your loved one:

  • Referrals – It is not bad to ask questions both online and offline. Surely, there must have been people like you that once enlisted the services of a senior living advisor. Such people would be able to provide you with information regarding the advisor they used. Start by asking your friends and family because they could refer you to a reputable senior living advisor they used in the past.
  • Reviews and testimonials – When searching for care agency websites online, check out the ‘reviews and testimonials section’. You might not focus all your attention on online reviews but it is surely a good place to start. A 5-Star review earned by a particular agency would indicate that it is a reputable company and that they offer their clients the best services.

Here is an example of such review by one of our clients:

“Tibi was such a godsend for our family. Navigating the choices for memory care for our mother seemed insurmountable. Tibi was professional, responsive and helped us find the absolutely perfect place for our mom. I highly recommend using his expertise!”                            

 Kristine Isaacson

  • Go through their website and their activity log – Senior care agencies should be actively involved in the senior living community. This is one of the signs that they know what they are doing and that they indeed care for the senior ones. If possible, check to see if they are hosts or regular speakers at events or institutions in the community. Speaking in events that are especially designed for the elderly is part of the services we proudly offer in the communities we serve.
  • Accreditations and awards- Well-known bodies in the industry such as the NACL give certifications to reliable and reputable senior living advisors. Also, community programs offer awards to deserving senior living advisors that have proven that they are trustworthy and knowledgeable. For instance, our senior care advisors have certifications from NCRP Nationally Certified Hospital Re-Admissions Professional, OCAL and other numerous awards.

Questions to ask a Senior Living Advisor?

Here are some relevant questions to ask your advisor to assist you and your loved one make best choice. Ask some or all of the following questions when you schedule an appointment with a Senior Living Advisor:

  • How long have you been in the business?
  • How many families have you helped so far?
  • How much does care cost?
  • How long is it likely to take to find the right community?
  • Does Medicare pay? If yes, how much?
  • How involved are you in this process?
  • What paperwork are involved?
  • How would they determine the exact type of service your loved one needs?
  • How do you get paid for your services?
  • Do you set up appointments with Senior Living Facilities and accompany us to the visits?
  • Typically how many communities do you recommend for visit?

During your interview jot down your impression of them and ask yourself:

  • How attentive were they while speaking with you?
  • Did they ask questions about your needs, preferences, or desires?
  • Did they seem genuinely interested in helping you?
  • Did they offer to take you on a tour of the communities they suggested?

There are an array of questions one can ask a senior living advisor; do not hesitate to clear your doubts. Their answers to your questions will help you draw a conclusion whether you would want to work with them or not.

If you are still searching for a Senior Care Advisor give us a Call us at (425) 324-5592 today, because we know that senior care is a sensitive topic that requires someone trustworthy to hold your hand through this confusing process…And at A1 Senior Care Advisors, WE ENSURE JUST THAT!

“We are Here for You, When You Need Us”

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