7 Signs Your Older Loved One Needs Assisted Living

Needs of Assisted Living

It can be difficult to know when your older loved one needs assisted living. He may have some medical issues and not be able to get around like he used to, but are those reasons enough to need assisted living? The answer is it depends.

People who need assisted living are unable to live independently in their home safely and healthfully. The risks of living alone are too great, so they need someone with them all the time.

The above are the general signs someone needs assisted living. The following are more specific ones that will further help you identify if your older loved one would benefit from it.

1. Medication Non-Compliance

If your older loved one is on medication that needs to be taken regularly or there is a serious health risk and he doesn’t take them as prescribed, assisted living can help. The staff at assisted living facilities monitor and administer medication to ensure everyone takes what they need when they need it.

2. Fall Risk

As people age, they have a harder time balancing, and that can lead to falling. Falling at an older age can be deadly. Assisted living services provide people with help getting from one place to another easily and safely, so they aren’t as likely to fall.

3. Inability to Prepare Healthy Meals

Nutrition is highly important during the senior years, so if you’re older loved one isn’t able to prepare them or isn’t able to eat them independently, an assisted living facility can help with that.

4. Requires Assistance with Bathing and Grooming

Staying clean and comfortable is important to the quality of life and health. Seniors who are unable to care for their personal needs, such as taking a bath or shower and getting dressed, would benefit from help an assisted living facility provides.

5. Suffers from Isolation

A common side effect of limited mobility and transportation is isolation. Socialization is something everyone needs, and those needs are even more essential later in life. Since seniors live together in an assisted living community, they have plenty of opportunities to socialize, which can help them feel better about themselves and their life.

6. Medical Transportation

Transportation to medical appointments isn’t always easy for seniors. When living in an assisted living facility, the staff can transport residents to their medical appointment to ensure they receive the checkups they really need.

7. Health Monitoring

Seniors who have health conditions needing daily monitoring, such as in the case of needing to have sugar levels checked for diabetes or blood pressure checked for high cholesterol, can receive that type of assistance at an assisted living facility.

How to Find a Reputable Assisted Living Facility for Your Older Loved One?

If your older loved one means the above signs of needing an assisted living facility’s services, we can help you find one that meets his needs. Our A1 Senior Care Advisors specialize in matching seniors with the living options suitable for them. Our matching services are completely FREE and you can call with any questions you may have about senior living or senior care services in and around the Greater Seattle area. Call us now at 425-324-5592, visit www.A1SeniorCareAdvisors.com or take a look at our 5 STARS Google reviews. LIKE us at www.facebook.com/a1seniorcareadvisors

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